I've been showing you guys a lot of videos with me in the kitchen but today I have a finished blanket to show you. Pattern link is listed below.

Growing up my mom used to make a wonderful rice casserole. except she used ground beef as the base. I thought I'd change up the recipe and I thought I'd bring you along with me as I'm making a vegetarian version of my mom's rice casserole.

I know I have made a previous video on making dish soap before but this is a much better version. And it did thicken up more after it had cooled down so this is now a great dish soap recipe. Link to the book I got this from is listed below.

This was another very fun village to make and there were a couple of buildings that I have never made before so it was fun creating these new ones.

I thought I'd do a video talking about crochet hooks and show you a teaser of my latest WIP.

I got some mail today, lets see what it is.