I finished this little lion over the weekend, and I just think he's so cute!!!.

I firmly believe in giving credit where credit is due. This pattern isn't mine. If you like this pattern a link to the original site is provided below.

Homemade degreasers can be very effective and often use natural ingredients. This homemade degreaser is simply an amazing cleaner. It really surprised me how well it worked. Detail about how to make this cleaner is below.

I really don't like eating my dark greens unless it's just spinach, so putting them into a smoothie is the best way for me to get them into my diet. It may not look the most appetizing, but I take comfort in knowing it's really good for me. My husband still eats Keto so don't worry there will still be plenty of keto recipes etc.

This is the time of year when I love drinking cocoa, but all that sugar isn't good for any of us. So I went online and found some keto hot cocoa recipes. In this video I am showing you a sugar free Hot Chocolate mix that is really good. Recipe links for this and the Keto Milk are below.

A short Christmas Message

In this video I'm making keto milk. This recipe really does taste like whole milk, yet it only takes a minute to make. The recipe comes from Victoria's Kitchen. As she has several Keto milk recipes, I have posted all of them below. Enjoy!!!